
We say: Cheers! Because our cranberry syrup transforms every drink into a very special sip of flavor. The fine balance between the sweetness and acidity of the cranberry makes the syrup a perfect addition to thirst quenchers and cocktails.


Blueberry Syrup.

A contrast that tastes: In the blueberry fine sweetness meets light acidity. A delicious composition that makes our blueberry syrup the ideal topping. But also as a refinement of dishes, the syrup unfolds its unique flavorful character.

Black Currant syrup.

An extra portion of freshness! The black currant syrup convinces visually with its authentic dark red coloring. In addition, it combines sweetness with the tart taste of the currant. A combination that makes the syrup a convincing partner for drinks.

Agave Syrup.

Attention, now it becomes delicious! Agave syrup is ideal for sweetening dishes, juices and soft drinks. Not only because it has a high sweetening power, but also because it is highly soluble and therefore suitable for refining liquids AND dishes.

Pineapple Pieces.

An all-rounder. The fresh aroma of pineapple can be combined in many ways with other dishes. Whether savory on a pizza or sweet in the form of a juice. Thanks to its metabolism-stimulating enzymes, the tropical fruit is also beneficial for diets.


Did you know that the olive is actually a fruit? And one that should not be missing at any party. Whether black or green, the olive always finds its place – admittedly, it also divides the minds.

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